Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Final Countdown

Well, we are almost adults! I mean, graduated adults. In 7 weeks and 1 day from now, David and I will be graduating from BYU! I cannot believe how fast college seemed to fly by, and I am proud to say we will both have graduated in four years (besides David's two-year mission for our church to Japan). We can hardly wait to start the next chapter of our lives. Until then, I keep thinking of the last time I get to do certain things. For example, we went to the last home BYU basketball game of our college careers:

 We even got to the Marriott Center an hour and a half early! The game was against Gonzaga (#2 in the nation at the time) and we almost beat them, which made for a great game. I am going to miss this place:

It will be surreal when it is all over, but are so excited to move up to Salt Lake! BTW, if anyone has any housing suggestions or recommendations for living in SLC please let us know.

1 comment:

  1. David looks SO much like Bobba in the top pic!! Congrats on almost graduating, you guys are so close! :)
