Thursday, February 12, 2015

It's A...

We are just thrilled that our baby is a girl! We didn't care either way, but now that I know it's a little girl, everything is starting to feel more real and we can't wait to meet her in July!

To be honest, I don't know what this is a picture of. She was stubborn and it was hard for the ultrasound technician to get great images, so this was one of the best we got. In all reality, I can hardly figure out what any ultrasound picture is of, but we definitely know it's a girl!

The following bits of rambling are just some boring pregnancy updates since this is my only way of journaling/remembering, so feel free to stop reading now.

Pregnancy has been pretty good so far. My first trimester wasn't too bad. I felt nauseous if I got hungry at all, so that was obnoxious and I had to keep snacks in my purse all the time. I never got grossed out by specific foods, but cereal ALWAYS sounded good so I ate a lot of that. I did throw up once, but it was because I ate McDonald's on a road trip...not because of baby. Is it sad that their fries still sound good?

Since being in my second trimester, I have felt better and don't get nauseous anymore when hungry. Wahoo! I feel almost back to normal, although I have been really tired. I have even worked out a few times, but I get tired quicker and have to take it easier than normal.

We had an appointment at 14 weeks where we heard the heartbeat and that was so neat! It was beating about 160 BPM, which was amazing and so fast. Her heart sounded like a little factory. 

Today, my birthday (yes, I scheduled that), we had our ultrasound (18 weeks) to find out the baby's gender and found out it was a girl! We were so happy and it was so neat seeing everything. She had the hiccups while we were doing it which was so funny. Her diaphragm would contract and it was really darling.

As of right now I have placenta previa, meaning the placenta is too low. They said usually it moves within the next few months, so hopefully that is the case! Baby girl is healthy and big! She is measuring about a week earlier, meaning she could be here sooner, but they will wait a couple more months to see if they need to change the due date. 

I really started showing in the last two weeks. That is exciting because I no longer just look heavy, but actually pregnant! 

About 14 weeks. My belly really came out at night after all the eating throughout the day, ha!

 Here I am going go church in my new maternity dress (thanks mom!). I am about 16 weeks:

17 weeks at the gym. I really felt like I 'popped' overnight!

And here is David with our cute nephew, Nixon:

 He is so so good with kids and will be such a good dad. I can't wait to see him with our daughter!

Pre-Christmas Festivities

This Christmas season was great, but also flew by! I can't believe tomorrow is 2015! Anyways, the season seemed to fly by and I'm glad we put our Christmas tree up early because we were gone for a week at Thanksgiving and a week at Christmas, so this way we got to enjoy it before it's all put away (maybe tonight?). A few festive things from the last month:

We got together with my old Freshman roommates and their husbands to see the Christmas lights at Temple Square. First we started with the Pie (great & fattening pizza), then went to TS where it was a zoo so only stayed around 20 minutes, then hung out at my friend Meagan's cutest new house. It was so fun to catch up with them all!

Me, Michaela, Keelia, & Meagan (Yvonne and Spencer couldn't find parking so met us after at Meagan's):

Love this guy:

Love cute Keelia! We had so much fun sharing a room:

All of us after at Meagan's:

Another fun festivity we did was go to the Mormon Tabernacle Christmas Concert with David's sister, Jessie and her husband, Scott. We first went to Cheesecake Factory then enjoyed the show. Each year they have different guests/singers/actors/performers and this year they had the Muppets. They were actually pretty funny, but it wasn't my favorite show ever.

Here we are with Jess & Scott:

And my main squeeze:

Christmas-February Recap

I realize that it is February...whoops. Anyways, we had a great Christmas and we've been up to a lot so I thought I would do a quick recap to catch up on everything. 

We had a fabulous Christmas spent in Colorado with my family! We were there for over a week and it was so relaxing. I was able to ski almost every day, although I was extra slow and out of shape! Regardless, it was amazing to be in the mountains and enjoy a white Christmas. 

I seriously have no photos from Christmas, so I stole these two from my sister, Carrie. My dad took a bunch on his nice camera, but I haven't seen them since. Here we are all watching Frozen. My nephew, Ty, loved it! So we watched it about a dozen times. Lounging in PJs means it was a good break!

And this is of my neice, isn't she the CUTEST?! She was bundled up on the slopes watching her brother ski. I couldn't resist because I thought it was so darling!

I love having kids around at Christmas! It is so magical.

Other updates:

I started a new job back in early December!! I am working at the U of U still, but in their study abroad department and I love it! It keeps me much busier and although I have been pretty exhausted being pregnant at all, I am enjoying it and glad everything worked out.

David started seeing his first patients in the new dental clinic at the U of U. He loves actually practicing more dentistry and observing/assisting with some oral surgeries. It makes me so happy he is loving his career choice!