This summer has been one of the best, but also one of the busiest! David has been back in school for almost 2 weeks now, and summer seems to be winding down.
A few weeks ago my mom and sister Aimee came into town and we loved spending time with them. Aimee is a river guide in Moab for the summer and I am so jealous of her super tanned skin- that used to be me! We spent one morning hiking the Y in Provo, which is always a lung-buster.
She's a champ for hiking up that mountain in flip-flops. Chacos = best flips ever. Here is cute Aimee celebrating the end of the hike in "Y" fashion:
In other randomness, not too many things make me much happier than Zupas. David was busy one night so I went out to dinner by myself and read my book out on the patio, which ended up being a fabulous and relaxing evening (I know, I sound like an old person...)
Speaking of books, I've been reading a TON lately. Some of my favorites have been the Legend trilogy (Hunger Games fans will love this), Pivot Point, the 5th Wave (different but great sci-fi), and some regency romances like Edenbrooke (I like a variety of genres, obviously). Goodreads is one of my favorite things as well as Overdrive. I am constantly looking for good books to read, so if you have any suggestions send them my way!
It has been very stormy lately, which seems to be welcoming Autumn sooner than normal (I have mixed feelings about it). One night I was out for a walk and just loving the view, so I tried to capture some lightening across the valley. Obviously it didn't work, but I never get sick of these mountains
My good friend Shannon, who I grew up with, travels out to good old SLC once a month for her job. It is so fun to get together and catch up! We have done a bunch of hikes this summer including one up emigration canyon, one up by Brighton ski resort, and we just hiked to the "Y" in Provo. I showed her around campus first and we drove around Provo, and then we hiked during the most beautiful sunset!
Using her cool Go-Pro! Those things are so neat!
David has been so busy lately! This summer was his only summer break in all of dental school, so besides traveling, we spent a lot of time together doing things that included going boating a few times, having lots of family & friend barbeques, and honestly, watching a lot of Netflix. It was so nice! Not only has year two of dental school begun, but he is still tutoring some students with Kaplan that he started this summer, and staying busy with church callings. I can barely keep up with his crazy schedule, but I am real proud of all his hard work. I sure love that guy and we have had a fabulous summer. Here's to hoping he I will survive year two of dental school!