Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Lieutenant Drake

David was officially commissioned as an officer into the United States Air Force. He is doing dental school with the Air Force scholarship and we are really excited about it! So yesterday we went up to Clearfield and met with the recruiter. Another military Captain "swore" him in and now it's official. His title is a Second Lieutenant and after dental school he will become a Captain. Maybe by then I'll understand what the rankings mean.

 Just love this guy. So excited for our future in the Air Force! 

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Half Marathon Day

Yesterday was the day- Half Marathon Day! I am not a very good exerciser, so I pay for events like half marathons to motivate myself. Back in January I was feeling pretty gross after spending all of October, November, and December eating nonstop treats. I figured signing up was a sure was to get up off the couch. Honestly, I was not as dedicated at my training as I should have been, but overall I was feeling pretty good and was feeling excited and anxious as race day approached. 

My friend Jessica signed up with me and I was so glad because we had to meet at 5 am to take a bus to the starting line. The race ran down Provo Canyon, starting up at South Fork Park. When we got up to the park, it was still dark and freezing! We waited for about an hour and a half in port-o-potty lines and by bonfires to keep warm. It was SO COLD and I was so glad to not be by myself.

Here we are waiting. I had a towel and was so glad I brought it to keep me warm(er). 

 David was a great cheerleader. He cheered me on at mile 6, then mile 8 (when he brought me my second pair of running shoes to change into) and of course at the finish line. 

 I was so glad to be done!

I finished at 1 hour and 55 minutes, which I was excited about. I know that's not anything fast, but I felt pretty good with those 8:40 splits. The finish line was a party, which included Magleby's french toast, fruit, Blendtec smoothies, free massages, fun booths everywhere, and even an Oxygen station:

They claim that this helps the muscles to repair quicker and open up the lungs, but I'm not really sure if it helps all that much. My thighs are pretty sore today and my knees are really achy (not that this would have helped). Makes for a good picture though! 

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Graduation? Check.

Wahoo! We are officially Brigham Young University graduates! 

And yes, it feels nice.

We had such a fun and busy week with finals finishing and graduation coming up. My dad flew out early to see his mom and shoot a wedding. I spent all day "assisting" him (eating the wedding food), and we had a blast. Check out his amazing photography! Then my mom and David's parents flew out, so it was a party in no time! 

Thursday we had Commencement, which is just basically any graduate and any person who wants to listen to an apostle of the Lord speak! Elder Perry spoke and it was great. Here we are in the crowd:

After Commencement, we had catered Cafe Rio with all our family. I forgot to take any pictures, but Cafe Rio is just as good, if not better when you get to make your own (in case you were wondering). Oh, and to end it, we had Magleby's Carrot Cake! We always eat so well when our parents are in town.

Friday we all went out to P.F. Changs for a celebration lunch. We had a huge group and my grandparents even came up for it. It was so fun. This is the only picture I can find, though:

Then it was off to Convocation. This is where each college holds a ceremony and they call out the names of the students as they walk across the stage. I walked with Life Sciences (David's college) so David and I could do it together. Here we are during the name-calling. It took FOREVER.



 And we walked without tripping!

Just a couple of graduates

 David's family!

 And my parents!

And fun fact of the day: David's mom and my mom were college roommates. I think most people know that, but another roommate of theirs was there with her daughter! Of course, after our moms all lived together for 3 years, they just loved this opportunity to catch up and reminisce on their BYU memories! So fun to get them all back together 30 years later! 

We are so grateful for our families and friends who supported us all these years to help us get to where we are today. Thank you especially to our parents. We love you guys more than you know!